We are committed to carry out all work lawfully, ethically and with integrity. All forms of bribery and corruption are unacceptable and will not be tolerated. This also applies to any third party acting on our behalf, as a representative of our company.
This anti-bribery and corruption policy sets out Get Cracking’s policies to prevent acts of bribery and corruption. If you have any issues or questions on this policy, please seek advice from a member of staff. This policy applies to all employees, management, directors of Get Cracking and of any company that completes services on our behalf. This is a single standard across the board and all employees are expected to read, understand and agree to these terms and conditions as part of their working contract. We also conduct training with relevant employees to ensure these practices are updated if required.
It is also important to ensure our service providers, agents, partners all abide by the same anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies. To ensure we continually monitor the ethics of our providers, it is first important to clearly understand both bribery and corruption.
Definition of Bribery:
Bribery is the offering, promising, giving, accepting or soliciting of an advantage as an inducement for an action which is illegal, unethical or a breach of trust. Many types of payments or favours can constitute bribes: tips, gifts, favours, discount, waived fees, free foods, free advertising, free trips, free tickets, donations, campaign contribution, sponsorship/backing, promotions. The key to identifying bribery is that it is intended to alter the recipient’s behaviour.
Definition of Corruption:
Corruption is receiving, asking for or giving any gratification to induce a person to do a favour with a corrupt intent. As such, it’s considered to be an abuse of power. Corruption occurs when someone in a position of power uses their authority to influence decisions or conducts any other dishonest or fraudulent behaviour like giving or accepting bribes.
All forms of bribery and corruption are strictly prohibited. Any breach of this policy will be met with disciplinary action and possible dismissal. It is also important to ensure that any person acting on behalf of Get Cracking also abide by this policy.
Service Providers
All third parties who are involved in offering services should be made aware of the terms and conditions of Anti-bribery and corruption before representing our company. Under no circumstance should a company ever engage with a third party who is engaging in bribery. It is also important for us as a service provider to mitigate the risk of bribery and corruption with third parties. The correct due diligence is required when deciding trusted companies:
Risk Assessment when selecting service providers
• Reputable – Does the company have references? Is it possible to talk to other companies who have worked with them previously?
• Established – How long have they been a registered company? Do they have the correct experience required?
• Agreement – Are they happy to read over this policy and commit to a contract to abide by Anti-bribery procedures? Do they have similar policies in place for their own company?
• Location – Are they based in a country that is known for bribery or corruption is prevalent? This may require more detailed research to ensure policies are upheld.
• Research – Have we done basic searches on Google, business directories, websites about the company? Review sites can also assist.
• Payments – are commissions/payments in line with generally accepted market practice?
• Paperwork – Does the company have legal documents to validate who they say they are if requested?
What is in it for you?
You as a customer can trust us because we state that…
• We never engage in any form of bribery, either directly or through a third party.
• We never offer or make and improper payment, or authorize an improper payment to any individual, including any local or foreign official anywhere in the world.
• We never attempt to induce an individual, or a local or foreign official to act illegally or improperly.
• We never offer, or accept, money or anything of value, such as gifts, kickbacks or commissions, in connection with the procurement of business or the award of a contract.
• We never offer or give any gift or token of hospitality to any publicemployee or government official or representative if there is any expectation or implication for a return favour.
• We never accept any gift from any business partner if there is any suggestion that a return favour will be expected or implied.
• We never facilitate payments to obtain a level of service which one would normally be entitled to.
• We never disregard or fail to report any indication of improper payments to the appropriate authorities.
• We never induce or assist another individual to break any applicable law or legislation.
Every individual has an obligation to act with integrity to ensure we understand and comply with the policy. We will ensure compliance by providing training to the relevant employees and all employees will be required to confirm that they understand and accept the policy. We will ensure employees sign a copy of this policy annually. All employees have been emailed this policy and have access on either our website, or a shared OneDrive.
Access to policy for service providers will be provided in email signature by all employees. When making first contact with a new possible third party, we have a PDF copy of this anti-bribery and corruption policy that will be attached to highlight our expectations of them. If you have any concerns that arrangements with a third party are not in accordance with this policy, you should ask your local anti-bribery and corruption officer for help
Via this link, please find our Anti-trust Charter.
Don Langan
CEO Get Cracking LImited
Privacy Policy Updated December 2022
Anti Bribery and Corruption Policy & Anti Trust Charter Updated December 2022