Custom Crating For Fragile Items – International Removals Dublin

Looking for Cracking Removals in Ireland?

If you need an international removals company from Ireland to anywhere in the world, you need look no further.


Our incredible removal service ensures your items move safely from one location to the next. We confidently relocate specialist items, prioritizing the protection of your belongings for ultimate peace of mind.


We even commit to building specialist crates to fit your exact requirements.


Crating Services

For particularly heavy items, or those that need to be sent securely, crates are the preferred logistics choice.


This is especially applicable to valuable items, especially those which can be damaged easily.


Your personalized crate is far more than a wooden box. It’s a custom shipping solution fit for purpose. If you’ve ever sent items by box you’ll appreciate they rarely hold items perfectly.


Though they are sometimes useful for sending varied items, sometimes a simple box isn’t enough.


That’s why we go the extra mile to ensure load bearing capacity. Additionally, our crates carry items in a tight environment so they won’t move around too much.


How Does Our Service Work?

We’ll begin by asking questions about the nature of the items you want to send.


We’ll use this information to create proper packaging for transportation.


We’ll build the crate on location, using detailed measurements for a strong lumbar solution.


What differentiates our crates is their interior quality and custom design.


Here are some extra features we’ll provide:


  • Crossbeams for heavy loads
  • Hooks for tying items down
  • Weight testing
  • Customer foam inserts
  • Protective materials
  • Breathable holes


Contact us today for turnkey shipping if you have bulky or fragile items! Our custom crates will keep your products safe, where we pride ourselves on professionalism.


That’s our business motto at least, providing optimum value for all consumers. You can rest assured you’ll receive your belongings accordingly, and most importantly on time!